ndoutils missing output column from nagios_hostchecks table after updating to 1.48
shadih rahman
shadhin71 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 07:08:38 CEST 2009
Can someone advise why was characterset change to latin1 ?
On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 5:06 AM, shadih rahman <shadhin71 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is an actual query which is coming as empty. Please advise on this.
> Thanks
> INSERT INTO nagios_hostchecks SET instance_id='1', host_object_id='1501',
> check_type='0', is_raw_check='0', current_check_attempt='1',
> max_check_attempts='3', state='0', state_type='1',
> start_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(1254718978), start_time_usec='231137',
> end_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(0), end_time_usec='0', timeout='30',
> early_timeout='0', execution_time='0.000000', latency='0.230000',
> return_code='0', output='', perfdata='(null)', command_object_id='2',
> command_args='', command_line='/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_fping -H
> xxxxx\.net\.xxxxxx -w 3000\.0,100% -c 3000\.0,100% -n 1' ON DUPLICATE KEY
> UPDATE instance_id='1', host_object_id='1501', check_type='0',
> is_raw_check='0', current_check_attempt='1', max_check_attempts='3',
> state='0', state_type='1', start_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(1254718978),
> start_time_usec='231137', end_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(0), end_time_usec='0',
> timeout='30', early_timeout='0', execution_time='0.000000',
> latency='0.230000', return_code='0', output='', perfdata='(null)' |
> | 612 | root | localhost | nagios | Query | 0 | NULL | show full
> processlist
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 3:11 AM, shadih rahman <shadhin71 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I used alter table for all table mentioned in the patch.
>> cat mysql-upgrade-1.4b8.sql
>> ALTER TABLE `nagios_hostchecks` ADD COLUMN `long_output` varchar(8192) NOT
>> NULL default '' AFTER `output`;
>> ALTER TABLE `nagios_hoststatus` ADD COLUMN `long_output` varchar(8192) NOT
>> NULL default '' AFTER `output`;
>> ALTER TABLE `nagios_servicechecks` ADD COLUMN `long_output` varchar(8192)
>> NOT NULL default '' AFTER `output`;
>> ALTER TABLE `nagios_servicestatus` ADD COLUMN `long_output` varchar(8192)
>> NOT NULL default '' AFTER `output`;
>> ALTER TABLE `nagios_statehistory` ADD COLUMN `long_output` varchar(8192)
>> NOT NULL default '' AFTER `output`;
>> ALTER TABLE `nagios_eventhandlers` ADD COLUMN `long_output` varchar(8192)
>> NOT NULL default '' AFTER `output`;
>> ALTER TABLE `nagios_systemcommands` ADD COLUMN `long_output` varchar(8192)
>> NOT NULL default '' AFTER `output`;
>> ALTER TABLE `nagios_notifications` ADD COLUMN `long_output` varchar(8192)
>> NOT NULL default '' AFTER `output`;
>> mysql> desc nagios_hostchecks
>> -> ;
>> +-----------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default
>> | Extra |
>> +-----------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> | hostcheck_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL
>> | auto_increment |
>> | instance_id | smallint(6) | NO | MUL | 0
>> | |
>> | host_object_id | int(11) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | check_type | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | is_raw_check | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | current_check_attempt | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | max_check_attempts | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | state | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | state_type | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | start_time | datetime | NO | MUL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
>> | |
>> | start_time_usec | int(11) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | end_time | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
>> | |
>> | end_time_usec | int(11) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | command_object_id | int(11) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | command_args | varchar(255) | NO | |
>> | |
>> | command_line | varchar(255) | NO | |
>> | |
>> | timeout | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | early_timeout | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | execution_time | double | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | latency | double | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | return_code | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | output | varchar(255) | NO | |
>> | |
>> | long_output | varchar(8192) | NO | |
>> | |
>> | perfdata | varchar(255) | NO | |
>> | |
>> +-----------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> mysql> desc nagios_hoststatus;
>> +-------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> | Field | Type | Null | Key |
>> Default | Extra |
>> +-------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> | hoststatus_id | int(11) | NO | PRI |
>> NULL | auto_increment |
>> | instance_id | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | host_object_id | int(11) | NO | UNI |
>> 0 | |
>> | status_update_time | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | output | varchar(255) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | long_output | varchar(8192) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | perfdata | varchar(255) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | current_state | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | has_been_checked | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | should_be_scheduled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | current_check_attempt | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | max_check_attempts | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | last_check | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | next_check | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | check_type | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | last_state_change | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_hard_state_change | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_hard_state | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | last_time_up | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_time_down | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_time_unreachable | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | state_type | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | last_notification | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | next_notification | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | no_more_notifications | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | notifications_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | problem_has_been_acknowledged | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | acknowledgement_type | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | current_notification_number | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | passive_checks_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | active_checks_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | event_handler_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | flap_detection_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | is_flapping | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | percent_state_change | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | latency | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | execution_time | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | scheduled_downtime_depth | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | failure_prediction_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | process_performance_data | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | obsess_over_host | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | modified_host_attributes | int(11) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | event_handler | varchar(255) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | check_command | varchar(255) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | normal_check_interval | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | retry_check_interval | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | check_timeperiod_object_id | int(11) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> +-------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> 47 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>> mysql> desc nagios_servicechecks;
>> +-----------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default
>> | Extra |
>> +-----------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> | servicecheck_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL
>> | auto_increment |
>> | instance_id | smallint(6) | NO | MUL | 0
>> | |
>> | service_object_id | int(11) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | check_type | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | current_check_attempt | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | max_check_attempts | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | state | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | state_type | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | start_time | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
>> | |
>> | start_time_usec | int(11) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | end_time | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
>> | |
>> | end_time_usec | int(11) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | command_object_id | int(11) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | command_args | varchar(255) | NO | |
>> | |
>> | command_line | varchar(255) | NO | |
>> | |
>> | timeout | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | early_timeout | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | execution_time | double | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | latency | double | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | return_code | smallint(6) | NO | | 0
>> | |
>> | output | varchar(255) | NO | |
>> | |
>> | long_output | varchar(8192) | NO | |
>> | |
>> | perfdata | varchar(255) | NO | |
>> | |
>> +-----------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> 23 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>> mysql> desc nagios_servicestatus;
>> +-------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> | Field | Type | Null | Key |
>> Default | Extra |
>> +-------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> | servicestatus_id | int(11) | NO | PRI |
>> NULL | auto_increment |
>> | instance_id | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | service_object_id | int(11) | NO | UNI |
>> 0 | |
>> | status_update_time | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | output | varchar(255) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | long_output | varchar(8192) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | perfdata | varchar(255) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | current_state | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | has_been_checked | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | should_be_scheduled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | current_check_attempt | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | max_check_attempts | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | last_check | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | next_check | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | check_type | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | last_state_change | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_hard_state_change | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_hard_state | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | last_time_ok | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_time_warning | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_time_unknown | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | last_time_critical | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | state_type | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | last_notification | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | next_notification | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00
>> 00:00:00 | |
>> | no_more_notifications | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | notifications_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | problem_has_been_acknowledged | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | acknowledgement_type | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | current_notification_number | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | passive_checks_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | active_checks_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | event_handler_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | flap_detection_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | is_flapping | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | percent_state_change | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | latency | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | execution_time | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | scheduled_downtime_depth | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | failure_prediction_enabled | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | process_performance_data | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | obsess_over_service | smallint(6) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | modified_service_attributes | int(11) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | event_handler | varchar(255) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | check_command | varchar(255) | NO |
>> | | |
>> | normal_check_interval | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | retry_check_interval | double | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> | check_timeperiod_object_id | int(11) | NO | |
>> 0 | |
>> +-------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+
>> 48 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Michael Friedrich <
>> michael.friedrich at univie.ac.at> wrote:
>>> Did you apply the mysql patch for 1.4b8 since there was an introduction
>>> in long_output ?
>>> shadih rahman wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I have updated to ndoutils 1.48 and followed the instruction to do
>>> so. Now I am seeing that I am missing output column data from both
>>> nagios_hostchecks and nagios_servicechecks tables.
>>> Below I am attaching a query and output to show you the behavior. Please
>>> advise on this. thanks
>>> select start_time, output from nagios_hostchecks where host_object_id
>>> =265;
>>> 2009-09-08 18:20:31 | FPING OK - cocoa.cc.columbia.edu (loss=0%,
>>> rta=0.270000 ms) |
>>> | 2009-09-08 18:25:45 | FPING OK - cocoa.cc.columbia.edu (loss=0%,
>>> rta=1.300000 ms) |
>>> | 2009-09-08 18:34:15
>>> | |
>>> | 2009-09-09 18:48:31
>>> | |
>>> | 2009-09-09 18:53:32
>>> | |
>>> | 2009-09-09 18:58:42
>>> | |
>>> | 2009-09-09 19:03:52
>>> | |
>>> --
>>> Cordially,
>>> Shadhin Rahman
>>> ------------------------------
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>> --
>> Cordially,
>> Shadhin Rahman
> --
> Cordially,
> Shadhin Rahman
Shadhin Rahman
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