creating and integrating new Nagios HTML pages

Mohammed Murphy mohammed.murphy at
Tue Mar 16 15:02:00 CET 2010

Hey everyone,

My research into Nagios has revealed that it's HTML pages are stored in 
the nagios/share folder. If I want to add my own HTML pages to the 
Nagios web interface, I can add my php/HTML/Image files in the 
appropriate directories within nagios/share. However, there are two 
issues I still need resolving. First, how do you specify the URL 
required to get your php/HTML/cgi to run and be presented?

Secondly, is there a way other than modifying the HTML of an existing 
page, to have my new pages referred to from existing pages?

The reason for this requirement is that I am trying to develop a 
product-specific "installer" for Nagios which will modify the 
nagios/share folder with the changes required to add my product-specific 
Nagios web pages. This way my customer, who is a non-programmer, does 
not need to modify the HTML pages at all. Of course, this means that a 
good solution that does not rely too heavily on the exact format of the 
HTML of existing pages is required since this could change between 
versions of Nagios. I wonder if there are any options in the 
resource.cfg or nagios.cfg that will help here.

Thirdly, for those of you who use other web front-ends, what is the 
procedure for creating and integrating web pages in those scenarios, say 
with Ninja for instance.

If this needs clarification, please say.
Thanks in advance.

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