Question, and an Update for Command Expansion Patch
Jochen Bern
Jochen.Bern at
Wed Nov 10 16:29:59 CET 2010
On 11/05/2010 05:30 PM, Michael Friedrich wrote:
> Jochen Bern wrote:
>> I'll save myself an 0x3e8 words and provide a screenshot instead.
>> I suppose that putting the control into cgi.cfg would be possible; the
>> bloat caused by having both variants in the executables should be low
>> enough ...
> 1. MultiUrl Patch has been applied to Icinga since 1.0.2 and so far it
> is working, not being optional. Some bug reports, all fixed for now.
> Seems that people are using it.
Took me a moment to change it from a compile-time to a runtime
configuration ...
# Activating the patch changes the parsing of notes_url and
# action_url for hosts and services. (Changing it for
# hostgroups and servicegroups as well would require a far
# more aggressive rewrite of the CGIs, I'm afraid.) Example:
# notes_url 'foo' 'bar' baz' class='tips' rel='org
# will result in the following three (!) hyperlinks being
# displayed (edited for brevity):
# <A HREF='foo'><IMG SRC='1-notes.gif'></A>
# <A HREF='bar'><IMG SRC='2-notes.gif'></A>
# <A HREF='baz' class='tips' rel='org'><IMG
# SRC='notes.gif'></A>
# Note the use of the escape character "'" *within* the *last*
# URL (which has been inspired by PNP4Nagios' preview popups),
# and how the icon filename gets varied. If the config were:
# notes_url 'foo' 'bar' 'baz'
# instead, then the third URL would change to:
# <A HREF='baz'><IMG SRC='3-notes.gif'></A>
# Also note that it's up to you to provide the *-notes.gif
# and/or *-action.gif files.
That's all for now, as my fiddling with the check scheduling (randomize
check times so as to dissolve "run-together heaps" over time) is still
quite far from release quality.
Kind regards,
J. Bern
Jochen Bern, Systemingenieur --- LINworks GmbH <>
Postfach 100121, 64201 Darmstadt | Robert-Koch-Str. 9, 64331 Weiterstadt
PGP (1024D/4096g) FP = D18B 41B1 16C0 11BA 7F8C DCF7 E1D5 FAF4 444E 1C27
Tel. +49 6151 9067-231, Zentr. -0, Fax -299 - Amtsg. Darmstadt HRB 85202
Unternehmenssitz Weiterstadt, Geschäftsführer Metin Dogan, Oliver Michel
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