How to checkout source code and submit changes?

MPR mplistarchive at
Wed Aug 31 02:31:34 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

I want to improve the Nagios docs and could use some input on how to
proceed. I'm new to this and don't know what I'm doing, so more info is
better than less.

How do I check out the trunk? I read but it
only mentions CVS (there's spam on the bottom of the page, BTW). The CVS
repository has a readme directing me to svn.

I tried "svn co nagios"
and I'm the full history (nagios 1.x, etc). I killed the process after 30
minutes since it was taking so long and not getting me the right thing. The
Sourceforge SVN page said to append /trunk to the URL. When I tried "svn co nagios" I got the
error "svn: URL ''
doesn't exist"

What's the right way to checkout and keep up-to-date with the trunk?

Once I've made changes, how do I submit them for review?
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