Greetings,<br><br>I see that there are 8 different ways to sort the status page. I want to be able to sort by Aliases. <br><br>I have added a 9th way, SORT_ALIAS to the include/cgiutils.h and recompiled the cgis. I then modified the
status.c to display the following lines:<br><br>LINE 1554<br> printf("<TD align=left valign=center CLASS='status%s'><A HREF='%s?type=%d&host=%s'>%s</A></TD>\n",host_status_bg_class,EXTINFO_CGI,DISPLAY_HOST_INFO,url_encode(temp_status->host_name),temp_host->alias);
<br><br>LINE 1999<br>printf("<TD align=left valign=center CLASS='status%s'><A HREF='%s?type=%d&host=%s'>%s</A> </TD>\n",status_class,EXTINFO_CGI,DISPLAY_HOST_INFO,url_encode(temp_status->host_name),temp_host->alias);
<br><br>(((Changed from temp_status->host_name to temp_host->alias)))<br><br>This displays the Alias but it is still being sorted by host_name. When I checked all SORT_HOSTNAME to SORT_ALIAS I do not get an error, but it is still only sorting by hostname. What am I missing to get it to sort by host name. All of our devices are lower case and I want to be able to change the Aliases to the first several characters to upper case so they will be displayed at the top of the list as they are our servers. Other wise I will have to modify several hundred scripts to send to Nagios with the hostname as upper case.
<br><br>Any help will be appreciated. Thanks<br><br>Joseph<br>