<br>> There's a check_cluster in the latest Nagios-plugins
distribution that<br>> will allow you to do what you want.<br>>
<br>> 1. Disable notifications for your services
(Ex:"notification_options n")<br>> 2. Create a check_cluster
checkcommand and service and use the<br>>
$SERVICESTATEID:host_name:service_description$ macros to fill-in
the<br>> service status.<br>> <br>> - --<br>>
Thomas<br><br>Wouldn't I need to create a bogus host with a bogus IP for
that? I had a hard time understanding how this plugin works (also having
hard time to find any complete documendations and examples for it), now
I'm down to wondering where would the cluster service checks be
displayed. I could create a hostname called "<something> Cluster"
as I've done that a few times already, however, those clusters actually
have an IP assigned to them.<br>