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I've also developed a broker to write some data to postgresql and
the same problem happens the my custom NEB module.<br>
Could it be a problem in the NEB engine? I've checked and rechecked
and I can not find any memory leaks in my code.<br>
I've also noticed that the main nagios process starts getting
bigger when the latency starts to go up, as does the server's load.
Suddenly the load goes to zero and although nagios is running, it seems
starved somehow. A restart will get it back on track again till the
same happens again.<br>
Without any broker running, nagios 3.0.1 is running stable so far,
with 150 hosts and 2500 services.<br>
Peter Weiland wrote:
<font face="sans-serif" size="2">Hi,</font>
<font face="sans-serif" size="2">I'm facing nearly the same problem
using nagios 3.0.1, ndoutils 1.4b7 and MySQL 5.0.22 running on RHEL5.1.
<font face="sans-serif" size="2">as soon as i enable the NDO module
nagios.cfg, the service and host latencies are increasing (values about
700 sec and above...) </font>
<font face="sans-serif" size="2">after disabling NDO and restarting
is normal again... at the moment there are only 90 host and 280 service
<font face="sans-serif" size="2">any help would be appreciated!</font>
<tt><font size="3"><br>
I've reported a problem with NDO, in which the latency would
start <br>
to go up and the nagios process consume a lot of memory, when using NDO.<br>
Because of this I started to develop my own broker to write
just <br>
some data to the database, and after 3 days, the same thing started to
happen, the latency started to go up, the load with it until suddenly <br>
the load dropped to zero and it seems like nagios stops processing <br>
checks and by the time it does that, it is consuming a lot of memory.<br>
I am using nagios-3.0 on CentOS 5 and I've checked and recked
my <br>
broker and I can't find where it would have any allocation problems. I
am running nagios with 150 hosts and 2500 services.<br>
A nagios restart fixes the latency back to where is was,
0.3s, and <br>
then it starts going up again.<br>
Is there a known problem in the nagios broker schema? Any
tests I <br>
could run to try and spot the problem?<br>
Alessandro Ren<br>
</font></tt><a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="http://www.opservices.com.br/" target="_top"><tt><font
color="blue" size="3"><u>http://www.opservices.com.br</u></font></tt></a>
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="350">
<td valign="top" width="130"> <font color="#000080"
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<td valign="top" width="220"> <font color="#000080"
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<font color="#808080" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
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<font color="#808080" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
size="-1"><i><b>Porto Alegre, RS - CEP 90570-060</b></i></font><br>
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