[naemon-users] problem with Job with id 'xxxx' doesn't exist on Core Worker xxxx

Justin Laughlin justinnlaughlin at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 22:51:45 CEST 2016

Hello Group,

I too have this in the  log.  I am running it on Centos 7.  Just recently
built a fresh monitoring server and migrated over my cfg files from the
legacy box that was running Debian.  Seems to work overall but these errors
are spamming my logs enough to make them all but unusable.


On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Jens Hyllegaard (Soft Design A/S) <
jens.hyllegaard at softdesign.dk> wrote:

> I noticed that recently my eventlist and therefore also the naemon log
> files were filling up with content like this:
> [1473795693] wproc: Job with id '9578' doesn't exist on Core Worker 10702.
> [1473795694] wproc: Core Worker 10700: Killing job 9557 with pid 18725 due
> to timeout. timeouts=9560; started=9581
> [1473795694] wproc: Job with id '9557' doesn't exist on Core Worker 10700.
> [1473795694] wproc: Core Worker 10701: Killing job 9557 with pid 18726 due
> to timeout. timeouts=9559; started=9581
> [1473795694] wproc: Job with id '9557' doesn't exist on Core Worker 10701.
> [1473795694] wproc: Core Worker 10702: Killing job 9557 with pid 18730 due
> to timeout. timeouts=9561; started=9581
> [1473795694] wproc: Job with id '9557' doesn't exist on Core Worker 10702.
> [1473795695] wproc: Core Worker 10702: Killing job 9579 with pid 19618 due
> to timeout. timeouts=9562; started=9581
> [1473795695] wproc: Job with id '9579' doesn't exist on Core Worker 10702.
> [1473795696] wproc: Core Worker 10700: Killing job 9558 with pid 18750 due
> to timeout. timeouts=9561; started=9581
> [1473795696] wproc: Job with id '9558' doesn't exist on Core Worker 10700.
> [1473795696] wproc: Core Worker 10698: Killing job 9557 with pid 18749 due
> to timeout. timeouts=9559; started=9581
> [1473795696] wproc: Job with id '9557' doesn't exist on Core Worker 10698.
> [1473795699] wproc: Core Worker 10701: Killing job 9558 with pid 18794 due
> to timeout. timeouts=9560; started=9581
> [1473795699] wproc: Job with id '9558' doesn't exist on Core Worker 10701.
> On an average day it amounts to about 328000 lines added to the logfile.
> I can see that this began on August 4th, just after I updated to the
> latest version on the Consol testing repository, which is 1.0.6-20160803
> This is running on an Ubuntu 14.04.01
> I will also create an issue on Github, so sorry for the doublepost J
> Regards
> Jens Hyllegaard
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