qpage and nagios

William R. Nash william at wrnash.net
Fri Dec 6 02:42:01 CET 2002


I'm having a little problem now with qpage and nagios.  Problem i can send a 
page from the command line to my pager using qpage.  When nagios tried to 
send a page i get Connection refused by host.  I have added my config files 
from my test machine.

Thanks Bill Nash
medic5591 at msn.com for chat
-------------- next part --------------
# The qpage configuration file is made up of keyword=value pairs:
#	administrator=<administrator's e-mail address>
#	forcehostname=<"yes", "no", or @mailhost>
#	queuedir=<queue directory>
#	lockdir=<lock directory>
#	identtimeout=<seconds to wait before giving up on ident query>
#	snpptimeout=<seconds to wait before giving up on SNPP commands>
#	include=<filename containing more configuration keywords>
#	pidfile=<filename to write the server's process ID>
#	synchronous=<"yes" or "no" to start queue runs immediately>
#	modem=<modem name>
#		text=<optional text, no whitespace allowed>
#		device=<modem device e.g. /dev/ttya>
#		initcmd=<modem initialization command>
#		dialcmd=<modem dial command not including phone number>
#	service=<service name>
#		text=<optional text, no whitespace allowed>
#		device=<name of modem as specified above>
#		phone=<phone number of paging service>
#		password=<password for logging into paging terminal>
#		baudrate=<speed to use while talking to modem>
#		parity=<"even", "odd", or "none">
#		maxmsgsize=<biggest message the paging service will accept>
#		maxpages=<how many pages to send before truncating message>
#		maxtries=<number of tries before page fails
#		identfrom=<"yes" or "no" to use rfc1413 as default CALLerid>
#		allowpid=<"yes" or "no" to require pager entry in qpage.cf>
#		msgprefix=<"yes" or "no" to include sender's name in message>
#	pager=<pager name>
#		text=<optional text, no whitespace allowed>
#		pagerid=<numerical pager ID>
#		service=<name of paging service as specified above>
#	group=<group name>
#		text=<optional text, no whitespace allowed>
#		member=<pagerid>[/schedule]
# Keyword values may not contain whitespace.  Major keywords (administrator,
# modem, pager, etc.) must start at the left column.  Minor keywords (text,
# device, etc.) must not start at the left column (i.e. they must be
# preceeded by whitespace).  Minor keywords may start on the same line
# as their corresponding major keyword as long as there is at least one
# space between the major keyword value and the minor keyword name.
# "true" or "false" may be specified instead of "yes" or "no"
# All text following a pound sign (#) is ignored.

administrator=william at wrnash.net



modem=ttya device=/dev/modem
modem=ttyb device=/dev/ttyS0



# start of pager list

#	pagerid=711
#	service=supercom

#	text=System_Administrator
#	member=tomiii/Any0000-0800
#	member=tomiii/Any1700-2359
#	member=tony/Any0800-1700
-------------- next part --------------
# Sample object config file for Nagios 1.0
# Read the documentation for more information on this configuration file.  I've
# provided some comments here, but things may not be so clear without further
# explanation, so make sure to read the HTML documentation!
# Last Modified: 03-07-2002


# 'nagios' contact definition
define contact{
	contact_name			nagios
	alias				Nagios Admin
	service_notification_period	24x7
	host_notification_period	24x7
	service_notification_options	w,u,c,r
	host_notification_options	d,u,r
	service_notification_commands	notify-by-qpager
	host_notification_commands	host-notify-by-qpager
	pager				william

-------------- next part --------------
# Sample object config file for Nagios 1.0
# Read the documentation for more information on this configuration file.  I've
# provided some comments here, but things may not be so clear without further
# explanation, so make sure to read the HTML documentation!
# Last Modified: 05-27-2002

#	define command{
#               template      <templatename>
#		name          <objectname>
#               command_name  <commandname>
#               command_line  <commandline>
#               }
# <templatename> = object name of another command definition that should be
#                  used as a template for this definition (optional)
# <objectname>   = object name of command definition, referenced by other
#                  command definitions that use it as a template (optional)
# <commandname>  = name of the command, as recognized/used by Nagios
# <commandline>  = command line

# These are some example notification commands.  They may or may not work on
# your system without modification.

# 'notify-by-email' command definition
define command{
	command_name	notify-by-email
	command_line	/usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios 1.0 *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\n\nService: $SERVICEDESC$\nHost: $HOSTALIAS$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nState: $SERVICESTATE$\n\nDate/Time: $DATETIME$\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$OUTPUT$" | /bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ alert - $HOSTALIAS$/$SERVICEDESC$ is $SERVICESTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$

# 'notify-by-epager' command definition
define command{
	command_name	notify-by-epager
	command_line	/usr/bin/printf "%b" "Service: $SERVICEDESC$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nState: $SERVICESTATE$\nInfo: $OUTPUT$\nDate: $DATETIME$" | /bin/mail -s "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$: $HOSTALIAS$/$SERVICEDESC$ is $SERVICESTATE$" $CONTACTPAGER$

# 'host-notify-by-email' command definition
define command{
	command_name	host-notify-by-email
	command_line	/usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios 1.0 *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $OUTPUT$\n\nDate/Time: $DATETIME$\n" | /bin/mail -s "Host $HOSTSTATE$ alert for $HOSTNAME$!" $CONTACTEMAIL$

# 'host-notify-by-epager' command definition
define command{
	command_name	host-notify-by-epager
	command_line	/usr/bin/printf "%b" "Host '$HOSTALIAS$' is $HOSTSTATE$\nInfo: $OUTPUT$\nTime: $DATETIME$" | /bin/mail -s "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ alert - Host $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$" $CONTACTPAGER$

# notify-by-qpage command definition
define command{
	command_name	notify-by-qpager
	command_line	/usr/bin/printf "Service: %s\nHost: %s\nAddress: %s\nState: %s\nInfo: %s\nDate: %s" '$SERVICEDESC$' '$HOSTNAME$' '$HOSTADDRESS$' '$SERVICESTATES$' '$OUTPUT$' '$DATETIME$' | /usr/local/bin/qpage -l 0 -p $CONTACTPAGER$

# host-notify-by-qpage command definition
define command{
	command_name	host-notify-by-qpager
	command_line	/usr/bin/printf "Host '%s' is %s\nInfo: %s\nTime: %s" '$HOSTALIAS$' '$HOSTSTATE$' '$OUTPUT$' '$DATETIME$'b| /usr/local/bin/qpage -l 0 -p $CONTACTPAGER$

# These are sample performance data commands that can be used to send performance
# data output to two text files (one for hosts, another for services).  If you
# plan on simply writing performance data out to a file, consider compiling
# Nagios with native file support for performance data.  This is done by
# supplying the --with-file-perfdata option to the configure script.

# 'process-host-perfdata' command definition
define command{
	command_name	process-host-perfdata
	command_line	/usr/bin/printf "%b" "$LASTCHECK$\t$HOSTNAME$\t$HOSTSTATE$\t$HOSTATTEMPT$\t$STATETYPE$\t$EXECUTIONTIME$\t$OUTPUT$\t$PERFDATA$" >> /usr/local/nagios/var/host-perfdata.out

# 'process-service-perfdata' command definition
define command{
	command_name	process-service-perfdata
	command_line	/usr/bin/printf "%b" "$LASTCHECK$\t$HOSTNAME$\t$SERVICEDESC$\t$SERVICESTATE$\t$SERVICEATTEMPT$\t$STATETYPE$\t$EXECUTIONTIME$\t$LATENCY$\t$OUTPUT$\t$PERFDATA$" >> /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata.out

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