Using some different check scheduling.

Subhendu Ghosh sghosh at
Fri Dec 6 16:59:34 CET 2002

On 6 Dec 2002, Pascal Miquet wrote:

> Hello, according to some different load during the week, I'd like to
> check spooled files for printer and issue messages according to
> different levels.
> Is there a way to have different schedule for services ?
> Or should I have two timeperiod according to notification, and two
> services which are the same, but with a given timeperiod, and treshold ?
> Any good Idea is welcome.
> Regards.
> Pascal Miquet

If you want to check the same service with different thersholds at 
different time, then the best wy yo do it is not define to service checks 
each with a different timperiod.


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