orca with Nagios logs

Carroll, Jim P [Contractor] jcarro10 at sprintspectrum.com
Tue Dec 10 00:24:25 CET 2002

I've gotten as far as downloading Orca and taking a cursory look at the
docs.  I also reconfigured/recompiled nagios with the --with-file-perfdata
option, then defined the xpdfile_service_perfdata_file directive in
nagios.cfg.  I found the output to be pretty much what the doctor ordered,
but I've still been giving this some thought.

I've been wondering that if one configures/compiles nagios with
--with-mysql-xdata, then would the necessary data be there to be able to do
time-series graphing?

Even as I write this, I'm looking over JpGraph:


and wondering if this, plus PHP, plus the GD library, plus MySQL, aren't
just the ticket for creating reports on-the-fly...?  This way, we might be
able to select a host, a timeperiod, and between 1 and N services, and
kicking out graphs which would tell us what we need to know.

The obvious win is that the data should only be written once (MySQL), thus
keeping disk I/O down to a dull roar.  I can't imagine any environment where
there would be more than a handful of browsers set to refresh every 90
seconds, and thus the impact on the 'image creation' side should be nominal.

Perhaps someone could scrutinize my idea...?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frater, Greg J [mailto:gjfrater at bechtel.com]
> Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 3:25 PM
> To: 'nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net'
> Subject: [Nagios-users] orca with Nagios logs
> Hello All, 
> Has anyone looked into using Orca (http://www.orcaware.com/orca/) to
> generate rrd files for generating performance data graphs of 
> Nagios checks?
> The web site says it can read data from arbitrary log files 
> and put it into
> an rrd.  Just wondering if anyone has tried this with Nagios logs.
> Thanks, 
> Greg Frater
> WTP IT dept.
> 509 371 3537
> gjfrater at bechtel.com
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