spopen question

Dave Viner dviner at yahoo-inc.com
Thu Dec 19 03:19:11 CET 2002

	I'm writing a little plugin that uses the spopen function provided in the
plugins/utils.c.  But I noticed that the spopen function won't execve the
command passed in if it contains " ' " or "''" or any ".  I actually need to
pass an empty string for one of my functions.  So, I'm thinking that maybe
we could add another spopen function like spopen_raw(const char *cmdstring,
int strip_quotes) and if strip_quotes is 0, then don't strip out the quotes
(that is, assume the caller knows what (s)he is doing).  And then spopen
could simply call spopen_raw(cmdstring, 1).  Is there any objection to
refactoring the code in this way?  Basically it means that everything
continues to work as is, but more flexibility is introduced.


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