Win2000 App Log errors from NS client

Ruecker, Rainer R.Ruecker at
Fri Dec 20 13:24:11 CET 2002

[check_citrix triggers \\TerminalServices\\Active Sessions query]

> Rainer,
> The Errors appear inthe NT log and an interval corresponding 
> to the check
> schedule (when it was implemented).
> I have restarted the service and indeed restarted the box
> joy
> No reference to the rouge check can be found in nagios.log.
> No other mesages relating to NSClient appear in the NT logs
> ????

I have to make a shot in the blue then:
- maybe one of the definitions in checkcommands.cfg still points
  to the NSClient-Query and gets triggered when it is called under
  it's "new name".
  (Probably you have already done a grep for "TerminalServices"
  in the config-directory on the nagios server.) 

What happens if you do the check_citrix command from the command-line?
Does this create an entry in the NT error log? If yes, we
should notify Ed Rolison about this.



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