NRPE enhancement

Dave Viner dviner at
Fri Dec 20 18:35:40 CET 2002

	I'd like to suggest an enhancement to NRPE, and if people think this is a
good idea, I'll try to make a patch to support my suggestion.  Currently the
nrpe.cfg file specifies all the commands in this fashion:
	command[check_disk1]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_disk 80 95 /dev/hda1
As result of this design is that if you want to check something like
/dev/hda1 and /dev/hdb1, you need two seperate lines in the nrpe.cfg file.
	So, I'd like to propose that we extend NRPE to allow for the arguments to a
command to be specified by the central Nagios server instead of in the
nrpe.cfg.  The idea is that the nrpe.cfg would have one command line which
maps a key, 'check_disk', to a local executable,
'/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_disk'.  The rest would be specified from
the central Nagios server in some manner.
	I think this would great simplify the nrpe.cfg files, and reduce a lot of
redundant command definitions that differ only in the arguments they
require.  Also, it would mean that you'd need to update your nrpe.cfg very
rarely.  In fact, you'd only need to update it when you add a new plugin.
	I don't have a concrete suggestion for implementing this yet, because I
want to see if the community is interested in this idea first.  Has this
idea been suggested previously?  Is anyone currently interested in the idea
or would I be the only consumer of such a service?


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