nagios.cmd: who else needs to CHMOD after restarts?

Mike McClure mmcclure at
Sat Nov 23 01:45:40 CET 2002


What are the symptoms of this issue you are talking about?

Why would you want any user on the system to be able to write to that pipe and
therefore issue commands?  That's what the permissions you are setting there allow.

- Mike

> Anyone else had issues with the nagios.cmd file when restarting the nagios
> daemon? Anyone know what the real reason is behind this is?
> I wrote a dirty little function in the nagios daemon start script that I
> call in the start section after the WAIT command:
> resetCMDFile ()
> {
> 	echo "Resetting permissions on Nagios CGI Command File"
> 	chmod a+rw $NagiosCmd
> }
> It works like a charm, but I still want to know if this is a core issue or a
> silly configuration issue on my part. Anyone?
> Daris Drake -- Senior Systems Analyst
> EAssist Global Solutions
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Mike McClure, CCIE # 5125, CISSP # 30232
PNE Services, Inc. -
mmcclure at
mobile: 913-636-5590

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