Multiple nagios monitors in one machine
Russell Scibetti
russell at
Fri Oct 11 16:35:19 CEST 2002
The nagios daemon doesn't have any hardcoded paths (you start it with 1
argument, the location of the nagios.cfg file). However, the CGI's do
use a hardcoded path (look in common/locations.h) for where to find the
For multiple instances of CGI's, you can either re-configure and remake
every time, or use a patch that I made and sent out to the list
previously. It takes advantage of environment variables you can set in
the httpd.conf for each set/location of CGI's.
If anyone wants, I can go back and repost the email I wrote and the patch.
Louie Cagasan wrote:
>I've checked all the cfg files and there isn't any item pointing to any
>of the cgi files. So that's out. And like I said, when copying a
>statusmap.cgi from another instance/folder to the new one and run the
>new instance, I get the error message where it's pointing to the "other"
>Incidentally, how do you do a strings command? hehe
>On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 04:25, Carroll, Jim P [Contractor] wrote:
>>I might be missing something here, but I'm reasonably certain that the
>>binaries don't have any pathnames to config files hardcoded. Having said
>>that, the only reason I can see that this 3rd instance would fail, is that
>>the config file you're specifying on startup still has the pathname to the
>>'original' directory. Try to grep through the config files for this 3rd
>>instance, for any occurrences of the 'original' directory.
>>Failing that, do a 'strings' command on each of the binaries and grep for
>>the 'original' directory. I suspect you won't find the pathnames hardcoded.
>>As you mention in another e-mail, I'd be surprised if the gd libraries can't
>>'support' 3 instances of Nagios.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Louie Cagasan [mailto:fireant at]
>>>Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 8:52 AM
>>>To: Carroll, Jim P [Contractor]
>>>Cc: nagios-users at; freddy_frouin at;
>>>eljalforja at; juvs at;
>>>agattud at
>>>Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Multiple nagios monitors in one machine
>>>Hi Jim and Freddy,
>>>I tried doing that by copying the missing cgi files statusmap.cgi,
>>>trends.cgi and histogram.cgi but when I ran that instance of
>>>nagios and
>>>click on the statusmap, it says it can't find the ORIGINAL directory
>>>these cgi files were originally compiled for. so it won't work.
>>>As for Freddy's comments, what I did was treat every
>>>installation like a
>>>new installation: deleting the source tree then getting the files from
>>>the tarball but apparently, it can't locate the gd libraries
>>>for these 3
>>>cgi files from /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib and /usr/include and
>>>/usr/local/include. But the thing is: if it can't locate the gd
>>>library, why was I able to install it in the first place? Go figure...
>>>Would Ethan Galstad have an answer for this you think? Hi Ethan! =)
>>>On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 23:55, Carroll, Jim P [Contractor] wrote:
>>>>Louie, I don't know why you don't just manually copy a
>>>working tree into the
>>>>3rd target directory, and manually search/replace pathnames
>>>in the config
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: Freddy Frouin [mailto:freddy.frouin at]
>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 2:17 AM
>>>>>To: Louie Cagasan
>>>>>Cc: nagios-users at
>>>>>Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Multiple nagios monitors in
>>>one machine
>>>>>maybe you've done some bad operation by the past in this
>>>>>directory... did
>>>>>you tryed to clean the config.cache file before reconfiguring
>>>>>? did you tryed to
>>>>>delete the source tree and to get it again from the tgz
>>>>>archive and to try to
>>>>>recompile it ? are you using multiple users for each version
>>>>>of nagios you plan
>>>>>to deploy ? if yes, check env var for each users...
>>>>>'hope this help, Freddy.
>>>>>On 09 Oct 2002 06:31:28 +0800
>>>>>Louie Cagasan <fireant at> wrote:
>>>>>>I'm trying to do this on just one machine, e.g.,
>>>>>>preferably the first one. I've successfully installed
>>>and ran two
>>>>>>monitors, with the first in the directory /opt/nagios
>>>and another in
>>>>>>/opt/net2/nagios, with the statusmaps and all but I'm just not
>>>>>>successful with doing a third. The configure error is
>>>that it's not
>>>>>>locating those gd,png, and jpg libraries. Which is
>>>strange, since
>>>>>>it worked for the first two. Does anybody know what
>>>may be wrong?
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>>>>>Freddy Frouin
>>>>>Responsable Supervision
>>>>>Fluxus - British Telecom
>>>>>30, rue du Château des Rentiers
>>>>>75013 Paris
>>>>>Tél: +33 (0)1 44 97 70 00
>>>>>Fax: +33 (0)1 44 97 70 07
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>This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
>Welcome to geek heaven.
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Russell Scibetti
Quadrix Solutions, Inc.
(732) 235-2335, ext. 7038
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