NAGIOS & Host downs
Hiatt, William
whiatt at
Mon Oct 14 20:48:05 CEST 2002
I have a few servers located in our datacenter across a WAN that I'm
trying to monitor (Right now just SMTP/HTTP/DNS/FTP for a proof of
concept). Nagios thinks the host is down.
In a service detail, for the DNS services nagios states "CRITICAL -
Plugin timed out after 10 seconds" and for the FTP/HTTP/SMTP services
nagios states the "Socket timeout after 10 seconds"
In a host-detail, the host is deemed as being down because of a plugin
timeout after 10 seconds.
In /var/log/messages I get the following: "HOST ALERT:
fe-01;DOWN;SOFT;1;CRITICAL - Plugin timed out after 10 seconds" Finally,
it hits #5 and changes the state to a hard, and notifies me. At this
point, the service plugins also fail.
Now my question is this, what is Nagios doing and why does it think the
host isn't up? I've used the ./check_ping plugin, and all the above
plugins manually and I can make connections to the host. Any ideas?
Thank You!
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