check_running_proc (not check_procs)

Sandro Merg Vaz sandro at
Fri Oct 18 01:01:05 CEST 2002

I´m deploying a Nagios solution to monitor some Linuxes and one
important point is to check the presence of some process (like
named,snmpd, sshd, crond, etc.). But the existing check_procs plugin
just warns me if there are MORE than the -w specified option. But I just
want to know if there is at least one process instance running, being
warned if there is NO process running.
It would be like this, using check_procs sintax:
./check_running_proc -C process_command
It would return just OK or CRITICAL.
If some of you have any idea (instead of advising me to write my own
plugin, which is the next step), please let me know.
Sandro Vaz
HYPERLINK "mailto:sandro at"sandro at
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