$ARGn$ Macros

Subhendu Ghosh sghosh at sghosh.org
Fri Oct 25 03:20:50 CEST 2002

On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Phil Dibowitz wrote:

> I'm a little confused on the $ARGn$ macros:
> 1. The default "check_ping" definition in checkcommands.cfg takes $ARG1$ 
> and $ARG2$ - but the default definitions of services do NOT have 
> anything after "check_ping" in the check_command of services.cfg. Thus 
> ping fails if you use that model and one must change the command 
> definition to "$USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 15,25% -c 25,75% 
> -p 5" or something similar and hard code those values in.
> Furthermore if you DO add anything after "check_command: check_ping" 
> then it fails telling you it can't find the command you want.
> So how the hell do you pass that on a per-service basis?
> I'm having this same problem on a custom command I've made as well...

in the service definition:
 check_command: check_ping!15,25%!25,75%

in the command definition:
 check_ping -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ 0H $HOSTADDRESS$

$ARG1$ == 15,25%
$ARG2$ == 25,75%



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