darn spaces in NT services

Bishop, Dean dean.bishop at tcdsb.org
Wed Oct 30 17:19:12 CET 2002

Thanks for the response.

Actually this is an NT box so i can't look at the properties but looking at
the regedit entry tells me that both the service name and the display name
are Octel Unified Messenger Tracing System

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike McClure [ mailto:mmcclure at pneservices.com
<mailto:mmcclure at pneservices.com> ]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:22 AM
To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] darn spaces in NT services

Hi Dean,

"Octel Unified Messenger Tracing System" is actually the "display name" of
service.  It's real name is something different.  Open the properties for
service, and look at the "Service name" field.  You should be able to use
instead, it usually doesn't have spaces in it.


> Good morning,
>       i am hesitant to even ask this as i think it has been answered in
> the past but i have spent the morning going through the archives trying to
> find the answer to this.
> i have a service that i need to check via nsclient.  According to regedit
> \\hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services the service is called Octel
> Messenger Tracing System.
> i have tried enclosing it in quotes, as well as using quotes in the
> checkcommand macro (around $ARG1$), and escaping the spaces with a
> but to no avail.
> Can someone please enlighten me as to how you monitor a service on a
> box that has spaces in the real name.
> thanks,
> dean
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Mike McClure, CCIE # 5125, CISSP # 30232
PNE Services, Inc. -  http://www.pneservices.com
mmcclure at pneservices.com
mobile: 913-636-5590

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