nsclient modified to deal with services that include spaces

Bishop, Dean dean.bishop at tcdsb.org
Wed Oct 30 18:23:57 CET 2002

Good morning all,

	i have modified the check_nt code a bit to deal with Windows
services whose real name includes spaces.

	For me the real service name is "Octel Unified Messenger Tracing

	The new check_nt code simply replaces tildes "~" in the arguments
with spaces " ".  So, my checkcommand definition is:

# 'check_nt_service1' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_nt_service1
	command_line	$USER1$/check_nt_modified -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248

	My service definition is:

# Service definition for NonCritical Mail Servers Octel Unified Messenger
System Service			
define service {				
	name			MailServers-OctelUMTraceService-NonCritical
	use			WindowsService
	service_description	Mail Servers NonCritical - Octel Trace
	contact_groups		ServerAdmins
	host_name		cectrace01.tcdsb.org,cectrace01.tcdsb.org

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