Problem with Nagios & MySQL

Jarbas Peixoto Junior - DATAPREVGO jarbas.peixoto at
Fri Sep 20 21:05:30 CEST 2002

When I install NAGIOS without using MySQL everything it usually works.  
Trying to install with the support to MySQL obtains:  
[root at lxgod002 nagios-1.0b6] #it configure --with-mysql-comments
--with-mysql-extinfo --with-mysql-retention --with-mysql-downtime  
* * * Configuration summary for nagios 1.0b6 09-15-2002 * * *:  
 General Options:  
        Nagios user/group: nagios,nagios  
       Command user/group: nagios,nagios  
            Embedded Perl:  in the  
        Install ${prefix}: /usr/local/nagios  
                Lock cribs:  ${prefix}/var/nagios.lock  
           Init directory:  /etc/rc.d/init.d  
 Web Interface Options:  
                 HTML URL:  http://localhost/nagios /  
                  CGI URL:  http://localhost/nagios/cgi-bin /  
 External Data Routines:  
              Status data:  Default (text file)  
              Object data:  Template-based (text file)  
             Comment data:  Database (MySQL)  
            Downtime data:  Database (MySQL)  
           Retention data:  Database (MySQL)  
          Peformance data:  Default (external commands)  
       Extended info data:  Database (MySQL)  
Review the options above for accuracy.  If they look okay,  
type ' make all' to compile the main program and CGIs.  
[root at lxgod002 nagios-1.0b6] #  
[root at lxgod002 nagios-1.0b6] #make all  
[root at lxgod002 nagios-1.0b6] #make install  
[root at lxgod002 nagios-1.0b6] #make install-init  
[root at lxgod002 nagios-1.0b6] #make install-commandmode  
[root at lxgod002 nagios-1.0b6] #make install-config  
[root at lxgod002 nagios-1.0b6] #cd  
[root at lxgod002 init.d] #. /nagios start  
Starting network monitor: nagios  
 7349?        00:00:00 nagios  
[root at lxgod002 init.d] #  
Everything was accomplished following the constant orientations in the
manuals, however in the file  
/usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log have:  
[1032541538] Error: Could not connect to MySQL database '' on host '' using
username '' and password ''. Retention data will not be processed or saved!

[1032541538] Error: Could not connect to MySQL database '' on host '' using
username '' and password '' for comment data!  
[1032541538] Error: Could not connect to MySQL database '' on host '' using
username '' and password '' for downtime it data!  
BD was already created (nagios) in MySQL, the tables were created following
the contrib/database/create_mysql, access was given to the user (nagios),
and everything more.  
What can acontecento be?  
I point out that without MySQL everything usually works.  
Forced to all by any idea!

            _  ______________________________  _
           / )|     Jarbas Peixoto Júnior    |( \
          / / |    Analista Téc. Informação  | \ \
        _( (_ |  _    (0xx62) 501-2245    _  | _) )_        
       (((\ \)|_/ )______________________( \_|(/ /)))  
       (\ \  \_/ /                        \ \_/ ////)
        \    \\ /    Linuxuser: 198445     \ //    /
         \    _/                            \_    /
         /   /  Dataprev - Goiânia - BRASIL   \   \ 
        /___/                    ´´´           \___\
                                (o o)
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