Service Dependencies

Andy andy at
Thu Sep 26 17:13:04 CEST 2002

Hey Gang,

Been using Netsaint for a while and switching over to nagios.

We have well over 400 hosts with many more to add.  Most of them have at
least the service of ping and I have run into the situation where if the
ping time on a router goes crappy, the devices that are depending on
that box and the ones below it will also go down, I've seen the need to
create service dependencies on services between hosts with the
check_ping service defined.

I created a home grown database to store the config files that would be
generated with the program needs to be restarted.  I queried the
database to find all of the boxes that had the check_ping service and
auto-created service dependencies for this and a couple other services.

I'm trying to avoid a db for Nagios mainly because of the object
orientedness of the config files that let you dramatically streamline
the number of 'things' that you end up creating.

However, I'm kind of at a loss on how to create this setup quickly and
easily.  I've already written a routine to look through the hosts.cfg
file and file all of the parents and their associated children.  Then I
will have to pull the data from the services.cfg file to find all of
those that have check_ping on both parent & host.  Then take that data
and push it into a servicedependencies.cfg file.

I'm almost there, but I was just curious how other people handle massive
numbers of hosts.

I have a few other scenarios.  Like check_netsaint_client is just a
check_tcp -p 1248.  If that fails, then I suppress the NT checks.  I'm
just trying to keep the noise down mainly.

Great program and great forums!


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