check_by_ssh.cfg check_disk.cfg

chbaker at chbaker at
Thu Apr 3 15:36:07 CEST 2003

My check_by_ssh.cfg looks like this:

command[ssh_disk]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_by_ssh -H $HOSTNAME$ -i
$ARG1$ -C '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 15% -p $ARG2$'

I'm running my nagios server on a debian machine right now.
And the old style configs like those above, are automatically
converted and used properly.

The service definition looks like:

define service{
      use                     generic-service

      host_name               usmghsysadm
      service_description           Root Free Space
      is_volatile             0
      check_period                  24x7
      max_check_attempts            3
      normal_check_interval         5
      retry_check_interval          1
      contact_groups                linux-admins
      notification_interval         120
      notification_period           24x7
      notification_options          w,u,c,r

With all that being said, in the Service Detail page the status is
reported as UNKOWN, and the Status Information is "Unable to
read output:"

What am I doing wrong here? BTW, the nagios on my debian
machine is 1.0 and the plugins are on usmghsysadm which is
a RedHat 8 machine are the 1.3.0-1 rpm install.

Charles H. Baker
chbaker at powersystems dot rockwell dot com
work: 864.281.2409 fax: 864.281.2487 cell: 864.363.5302
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