Any Idea on this.... traphandle implementing snmptrapd on nagios

Graemann graemann at
Mon Apr 7 08:29:44 CEST 2003

Fellow Nagios User:

Im configuring my Nagios to receive traps from a remote host using snmptrapd.
I have the following snmptrapd.conf:

   traphandle IF-MIB::linkUp /usr/local/nagios/libexec/evenhandlers/submit_check_result MRTGServer "PING" 1 "link UP"

then when i sent a trap with the following :

   snmptrap -v 2c -c public localhost SNMPv2-MIB IF-MIB::linkUp

when i tail my /var/log/messages i am recieving the traps although the command submit_check_result is not executed or at least its not reflecting in my Nagios alarms.

But when i execuuted the command 

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/evenhandlers/submit_check_result MRTGServer "PING" 1 "link UP" 

my Nagios is showing an alarm. Plus when i change the command to 

/bin/echo "Link UP" > /tmp/linkstat

then sent an snmptrap it is excuting the said command.

What am i doing wrong? any Ideas you can share???

Thanks in Advance.

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