newbie help...again

Strng Phisch rhltechie at
Wed Apr 9 22:23:26 CEST 2003

Hi All-

Someone so kindly answered my question earlier about
not being able to start nagios.  The answer given was
totally correct and helped me out a lot.  May I
trouble all of you once more to ask another newbie
question.  I had the web interface working fine, but
when it comes to the authentication part, I am banging
my head against the wall.  When I go to the page, I am
prompted for a username and password.  I have made
these, but when I enter a valid user id and password
it just spits the box back at me again.  I have my
.htaccess file in /usr/local/nagios,
/usr/local/nagios/sbin and also
/usr/sbin/nagios/share.  I know it is reading the file
because I have changed the AuthName to several
different things and it always changes.  I made my
access file exactly as the docs said to, as well as
adding everything needed to my httpd.conf file.  I am
at a loss.  Help??


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