Multiple web interface
Jose Orlando Muñoz Bravo (HP)
jmunoz at
Fri Apr 11 18:13:53 CEST 2003
Thanks a lot to every answer,
I'm sending this message because I have resolved my point
The Question was: Is possible to have Different Views in the web interface?
Is possible to have different companies in a single nagios server? each company see only your machines.
And using this topics the answer is YES.
This is in the docs... Basically you cerate a user in the web-iterface
withe the same name as a contact in Nagios. If the user then logs in it
should only be able to see those hosts/service that have a contact-group
where this contact is a member of (Simple, eh?.
Fred Albrecht (Similar Answer)
Why don't you try putting your two services groups in different contact groups. Eg, put service group A in contact group A, while B goes to B. Then log in as a user in contact group A and you'll only see service group A. Similar for B. Should be easy enough.
Johannes Dagemark (Is good in order to have a separate configurations)
You could install 2 diffrent instances of Nagios
Just make shure that you configure nagios correctly.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nagios-critical --with-htmurl=/nagios-critical
--with-cgiurl=/nagios-critical/cgi-bin --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-g
rp=nagios --with-command-user=nagios --with-command-grp=nagios
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nagios-nocrit --with-htmurl=/nagios-nocrit --wi
th-cgiurl=/nagios-nocrit/cgi-bin --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-grp=nag
ios --with-command-user=nagios --with-command-grp=nagios
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