service dependencies not working
Thomas Linden
tom at
Wed Apr 23 16:51:51 CEST 2003
Hello folks,
we are using nagios 1.06b under FreeBSD (from the ports collection),
which runs in a chrooted ram-disk. It works fine so far.
The only problem we encounter is that it ignores service dependencies.
I configured the following dependency:
define servicedependency{
host_name sw01
service_description PING_FARM
dependent_host_name fw
dependent_service_description PING_NMS
execution_failure_criteria u,c
notification_failure_criteria u,c
the host 'sw01' has the service 'PING_FARM' (which uses check_ping) and
'fw' has the service 'PING_NMS'. AFAIK this means 'sw01' depends upon
The problem is that if I take down the host 'fw' nagios still executes
'PING_FARM' on host 'sw01'. Since 'sw01' is no more reachable nagios
sends a 'host down' event notification about 'sw01'. But it shouldn't
do that as I understand the dependency configuration above.
Any ideas?
regards, Tom
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