Is nagat worth using?

Jeff McKeon jsm at
Thu Apr 24 17:39:49 CEST 2003


Thanks for the input!!


On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 11:15, Matthias Eichler wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> my oppinion: in generell NAGAT is worth using it, especially for giving
> some input for improvements (which MUST be still made there) to the
> developers.
> Unfortunately the developer team of NAGAT seems to be a bit...well...let
> me say, it seems to me as they hold their winter-sleep...;-)
> In "small" environments (we have just 3 admins here where everybody can
> do everything) you can really use it well, but if you look for more
> specific user rights you will not find anything in NAGAT!
> That's why we will programm this maybe in the next few weeks, months.
> I found no problems with handling a lot of services and hosts, I just
> found problems with the GUI, sorting stuff etc...
> Greetings from Munich,
> Matthias
> On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 14:21, Jeff McKeon wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I've got a pretty good nagios setup running and in production.  I now
> > need to share it with my network admin and possibly future IT
> > employees.  I set the server up manually editing the scripts by hand. 
> > This is fine for me but I really don't want other people using my
> > production box to learn the scripts.  
> > 
> > So, my question is, is the Nagat web interface worth setting up and
> > using?  Will it do everything that you can do with manual script
> > editing?  Can someone add new Hosts and services with it?
> > 
> > thanks,
Jeff McKeon <jsm at>

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