Monito fore "100 requests currently being processed"

Manfred Gnädig rp40265 at
Tue Dec 2 11:30:49 CET 2003

I like to monitor my Apache Server Status “
 requests currently being
If there is les then “100 requests” it shell be OK
If there is exactly (ore more) “100 requests” it shell be -> Warning ore
How can I do this?
I know how to do something like this:
# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H -u
/server-status -s "100 requests"
HTTP CRITICAL: string not found
But I have to change “HTTP CRITICAL” with “OK”  !
Ore maybe you have another Id to monitor the “
 requests currently being
Maybe there is another method to make a Statistic fore “requests
currently being processed”
Where I can see by witch day and time the Server was doing how many
“currently requests”? 
If somebody can help me, I will be very happy.
Thanks and mutch greatings
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