
chbaker at powersystems.rockwell.com chbaker at powersystems.rockwell.com
Mon Dec 8 16:15:59 CET 2003

I set up a timeperiod like so:

# 'edr' timeperiod definition
define timeperiod{
      timeperiod_name edr
      alias       edr downtime
      sunday            01:00-23:00
      monday      01:00-23:00
      tuesday     01:00-23:00
      wednesday   01:00-23:00
      thursday    01:00-23:00
      friday            01:00-23:00
      saturday    01:00-23:00

I use it in a service definition like so:

# Service definition
define service{
      use                     generic-service

      host_name               usmghweb002
      service_description           EDR
      is_volatile             0
      check_period                  24x7
      max_check_attempts                      3
      normal_check_interval                   5
      retry_check_interval                        1
      contact_groups                                 solaris-admins
      notification_interval                          120
      notification_period                           edr
      notification_options                          w,u,c,r
      check_command                             check_http3!3333

The way I understand it, notifications will only be sent for this service
between 1AM (0100 hours) and 11PM (2300 hours). However, after restarting
nagios and even using update-nagios on several consecutive days, the
notification for this service still goes out. I know that this service will
be unavailable during btween 2300 hours and 0100 hours everyday, and do not
want the SA on call to be paged about it.

Charles H. Baker
Unix/Linux Systems Administrator
Red Hat Certified Engineer
chbaker at ps dot rockwell dot com
work: 864.281.2409 fax: 864.281.2487 cell: 864.363.5302
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