StatusMap Showing "Nagios Process"

Joe Rhett jrhett at
Tue Dec 9 02:59:30 CET 2003

> On a separate note, when running a client/master nagios setup, how do I let 
> nagios know the paths between the parents of the two systems?  i.e.:
You don't.  You only indicate the dependancies of the paths between the
host that is checking and the host that is being checked.  Between the
nagios systems is not part of the architecture.

> If a & b are routers, and I have hosts on them, then obviously the parent 
> paths to N1 and N2 are different, so all of the host dependencies by 
> parents depend on which nagios is the master.  Do coordinates then become 
> required for nagios to map the dependencies correctly?
Coordinates allow you to make it look how you want.  The dependancies are
how it determines when to test and when to alert.  That's why we're saying
that you shouldn't be using the statusmap for logical layout reasons.
Dependancies are crucial to monitoring.  The statusmap is made to show you
the logical layout FROM A DEPENDANCY perspective.

And that's dependancy of the tests.  What passes between nagios master and
slave is not relevant to dependancy.
..relevant to YOU, but not relevant to Nagios ;-)

Joe Rhett                                                      Chief Geek
JRhett at Isite.Net                                      Isite Services, Inc.

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