NSCA 2.4 / NSCA 2.1 incompatability

Chris Stankaitis chris.stankaitis at datawire.net
Fri Dec 12 17:07:54 CET 2003

Hey all, I am currently starting the process of upgrading my network to 
a new Linux build, and in doing so have been rebuilding all of the 
nagios related RPM's that I have build over the years for my Nagios 
install. Naturally I have been checking for the newer versions of the 
pre-exiting software that we are using, and ran across NSCA v2.4 and 
decided to give it a whirl.

Since there were really only "minor bug fixes" which the changelog never 
elaborated on, and no glaring security hole, and with NSCA working I 
never needed to change from 2.1

I build my nsca 2.4 RPM and threw it on my new server, and added that 
server to Nagios, passive checks were not working, the Log said it was a 
version issue, or encryption issue, downgrading to 2.1 worked fine.

My Questions:

1) Why, what changed in NSCA 2.4 that doesn't allow it to talk to a 2.1 

2) if I install a 2.4 server on my Nagios box. will all the boxes using 
2.1 client be cut off from talking to the server?

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