check_http 404 error

Lars Oeschey extern.lars.oeschey at
Wed Dec 17 17:42:44 CET 2003


one of my servers consistently gives me a "404 Object not found" error. 
The check_http command from commandline works, but not from within nagios.

In checkcommands.cfg I have:

define command{
         command_name    check_url
         command_line    $USER1$/check_http -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$

and the services.cfg entry looks like this:

check_command                   check_url!/audi/busnet/

when I run:
./check_http -H is0618 -u /audi/busnet/

I get:
HTTP ok: HTTP/1.1 200 OK -   0.122 second response time |time=  0.122

What's guing wrong here? I have several other servers where I run the 
check_url command successfully...


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