NSCA Distributed Server
Marc Powell
marc at ena.com
Wed Dec 17 22:18:29 CET 2003
See inline comments marked with <MARC>:
From: Jeff Engstrom [mailto:Jeff.Engstrom at fortix.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 2:44 PM
To: 'nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: [Nagios-users] NSCA Distributed Server
For some reason the script that updates the central server is not executing but all other external commands seem to work fine. I was hoping that someone might be able to help? Here is the configuration (sorry about the length)...
<MARC> - Is there any error message in /var/log/messages on either machine? You might try enabling the debug option in nsca.cfg to get more detailed information. You should also try submitting a check result by calling send_nsca manually. That might spit out some errors. I'd also verify that nsca is listening on the IP/Port you expect it to be via netstat -aelp.
Central Server (
NSCA running in daemon mode with the following config...
<MARC> NSCA config looks fine at first glance.
nagios.cfg has the following..
<MARC> - This isn't valid for a 1.1 or below config AFAIK (it may be for a 2.0 config though). This should be an integer value specifying a multiple of the interval_length. For example, if you have your interval length set at 60 (seconds), then a 1 here would cause nagios to check for external commands every 60 seconds. 2 would mean every 120 seconds. The only odd value you could have here would be -1 which would cause nagios to check for external commands as often as possible. This could very well be your problem. A simple test would be to do an ls -l on rw/nagios.cmd and see if it's anything other than 0 length. If it's not then NSCA is successfully appending new results to the file but nagios may not be reading them.
Distributed Server (
<MARC> Distributed server information looked fine. It is interesting to note that your had the command_check_interval set to -1 here where I would expect the least number of external commands (if any) to be received. That's more of a work-flow thing anyway I would suspect.
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