Generating nagios configs from LDAP, nmap, and traceroute

jeff vier jeff.vier at
Thu Dec 18 15:22:20 CET 2003

On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 18:07, Luke Rosenthal wrote:
> I find the best way is to whip up a quick and dirty perl script (or
> bash/sed/awk, whatever) to mangle the data out of whatever form it's in
> and turn it into something I can paste into the config.  It sounds old
> fashioned, but you would be surprised how often we export from whatever
> data source (usually windows-based, like Maximizer, ugh) to a flat text
> comma-delimited file, then just mangle that out into a series of config
> entries using perl.  We only do this infrequently tho (once every few
> months) and it only takes me half an hr or so each time.  Sure beats data
> entry!!

I have an awk script that I've sent to several other list members that
does this same thing.  less convoluted than perl, I think, for a q&d

> > I watch 247 hosts and 1111 services (and counting).
> Bout the same for us.  Next step is trying to implement something with
> net::ssh::perl that logs in and restarts services that fail, somehow
> linked to event handlers.  Anyone had experience with this?  Could
> check_by_ssh be given some creative commandline arguments?

Our plan was SNMP Traps gen'd by event handlers.  Same idea. :)

Larry Wall certainly knows what he's talking about with TMTOWTDI, eh?

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