Qmail with Nagios?????

C. Bensend benny at bennyvision.com
Sat Jan 4 20:57:16 CET 2003

On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 02:09:28PM -0500, Charles wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a little question, when there is a prob, nagios isn't sending the
> email with qmail. I think nagios is trying to send via senmail
> Anyone Has the solution to this prob???

Hello Charles,

	Nagios by default uses /bin/mail, or a derivative.  Therefore,
it relies on your underlying operating system to determine what MTA
it uses.

	You didn't mention what OS you're running, so troubleshooting
from here is difficult at best.  Most *NIX OS's have a method of
specifying how mail is sent and delivered, and you'll need to check
that for your particular OS.  It should probably be using
/var/qmail/bin/sendmail (if you installed via LWQ).

If you give us more details, we can probably help further.


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