Error with "check_ping" and other basic status tools

Nicholas P. Bernstein nickbernstein at
Thu Jan 9 00:48:10 CET 2003

OS: GNU LINUX, RedHat v. 7.3
Nagios:  1.0

I've successfully installed nagios and have it at the point where one host
is defined and it doesn't give me errors when I start it. Currently, I'm
getting the error: "(Return code of 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be
missing)" - which would be expected, and in fact was expected in regards to
something like the free-space, or Current Users checks, but I wouldn't think
for the ping. I would have to install client software for the the other
checks, but not for ping.

I'm sure that this has been discussed before, and I apologize. This is
happening in essentially the default install but I didn't see anything in
the installation/configuration guide that discussed this. This is my first
time setting up nagios, and the only thing that I could find that seemed
even close to relevant was this: but from what I <think> I
understand, nagios got rid of the /usr/local/nagios/libexec directory when
it changed over from netsaint -> nagios.

I did an "fgrep ping *" in the nagios/etc directory to see if I could figure
out what nagios was calling to try and ping the server (one would think
/bin/ping but you never know) and the only thing I could come up with is
that in the checkcommands.cfg file the check_ping command is defined as:

# 'check_ping' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_ping
        command_line    $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w $ARG1$ -c
$ARG2$ -p 5


Am I daft, or just missing something? It seems like the
/usr/local/nagios/libexec directory should have been created during
installation and there should be a *bunch* of stuff in it. Could someone
point to where I can get these files?

Any help or explanations would be very greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


	| Nicholas Bernstein		| Work:			| Home:				|
	| UNIX Systems Administrator	| nick at	|
nickbernstein at	|
	| Document Systems Inc.		|	| nickbernstein at	|


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