testing modem for qpage

Jolet, John John.Jolet at misyshealthcare.com
Tue Jan 14 13:47:10 CET 2003

I don't think that would work, unless it was also in conjunction with a
check_proc for the qpage process itself.  The problem i'm having is not so
much on the not sending the page, but on qpage itself dying.  If qpage can't
send the page for a configurable period of time, i think it sends a mail to
root, or postmaster or something, doesn't it?
-----Original Message-----
From: C. Bensend [mailto:benny at bennyvision.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 12:00 AM
To: Nagios-users (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] testing modem for qpage

On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 03:20:26PM -0600, Potter, G M (Greg) wrote:
> I have been doing some preliminary testing using qpage, but it looks like
qpage returns a status of 0 regardless of the page going through or not.  My
initial thought was to set up the pager as a host and have the check
interval set to one week.  I can live with one page a week for the knowledge
that the pager is still functional.  But It seems like it would be better to
check more frequently, if possible without actually sending the page.  I
suppose one could write a script to open the port and use expect/send to
communicate with the modem to verify it was still "alive".  Has anyone
looked at this and come up with a solution?

Wow, please wrap your lines.  ;)

While this would be a hack, you might set up a local test that checks
the qpage _queue_, looking for any failure messages.  That, I think,
would be easier than trying to poke deeper into qpage.  Hopefully,
that would be sufficient for you.


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