check_swap quirk on Solaris

Grae Noble Grae.Noble at
Wed Jan 15 11:17:49 CET 2003

Hi all, 
I've seen the problem also. Not only that, but it also does not handle multiple swap devices properly. If there is more that one swap file or partition and if one of them is at a size/percentage that will generate an alert, then it fails the entire check. i.e. 3 swap devices, 1 at 80%, 1, at 10% and one at 0%. If the threshold for the check is set to 60% then the check will trigger a critical or warning instead of calculating the total swap available and setting the status against that.

I did submit a bug report for both problems, 621872 is the block/byte problem, but the other bug seems to have disappeared from sourceforge.

Grae Noble
Infrastructure, Communication and Information Services, University Services Division
University of Newcastle, NSW
Phone:  +61 2 4921 7875 Fax:  +61 2 4921 7087
Grae.Noble at 
Room: CT216

>>> "Carroll, Jim P [Contractor]" <jcarro10 at> 01/15/03 09:36am >>>
It's been brought to my attention that check_swap on Solaris8 reports in
bytes, whereas the 'swap -l' command reports in blocks.  Either the output
should be changed to 'blocks', or the math should be done so that the
numeric value is actually in bytes.


Nagios reports:

  Swap ok - Swap used: 0% (0 bytes out of 1049312)  

swap -l reports:

  swapfile             dev  swaplo blocks   free
  /dev/vx/dsk/swapvol 228,7      16 1049312 1049312



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