NSClient - 38 OK and 1 Down

Pehla, Fabian Fabian.Pehla at Dregis.com
Fri Jan 17 09:21:38 CET 2003


I also found such entries in my EventLog. As I recall, it was an issue with
the Language NSClient 1.07.1 detects and uses for its checks. 

Take a look at your Application Log: When NSClient 1.07.1 starts up, it
mentions the Language it uses (some Hex-Code like 0x0407). On my German
systems (which would have Code 0x0409) NSClient detected 0x0407 (= english).
So I just modified the counters.defs that comes with 1.07.1 to label the
german counters with 0x0407 and everything went fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: sandro vaz [mailto:sandro at opservices.com.br]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 12:31 AM
To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: 'Alessandro Ren'; dbestetti at opservices.com.br
Subject: [Nagios-users] NSClient - 38 OK and 1 Down


Today we have deployed 39 NT/W2K NSClients, almost with 100% success. But in
one English NT4+SP6a, we have installed and Distrib-1.07.zip, and just
received a "Connection refused by host" message.

Then, uninstalled this version and installed the fresh new version
Distrib-1.07.1.zip, but the messages was even more strange at each Nagios
Server connection: "Division by zero" at NT Event Log.

We tripled checked the counters.defs counters syntaxes, but it's just the
same (no portuguese version, nothing beyond the regular installation).

Some one has any idea, hint, tip, pray, "macumba" to solve this problem?

Thank you all very much in advance.

Sandro Vaz

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