SNMP plugin warn/critical range issues?

Karl DeBisschop kdebisschop at
Tue Jan 28 19:53:17 CET 2003

Shayne Lebrun writes: 

>>In another email, you ask about negative values. That requires a code
>>change. We're trying to get a release out, I'm on the fence, but I'll call
>>that a bug and fix it, unless others feel it's a feature request.
> It would be appreciated.  I got into a bit of a row with Tobias from MRTG; I
> had trouble convicing him that SNMP could even *return* negative values. 
> Here's another issue with the check_snmp plugin; when the OID is of
> 'Counter32' type, it's using the '32' in 'Counter32' to test against the -w
> and -c ranges.

IIRC, already patched in CVS. (My code checkout shows the fix as well) 


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