Statusmap issues
Jayson Kliger
jayson at
Fri Jan 31 17:36:22 CET 2003
Hello all,
I currently have 2 Nagios test boxes running, monitoring one test host
machine. The first box I made I made is not showing png,jpegs,or gif in
the statusmap or status summary cgi's, they are showing in the rest of
the cgi's. I have manipulated the hostextinfo.cfg, by making it as
minimal as possible (host_name,icon_image,statusmap_image), as well as
adding xedtemplate_config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/hostextinfo.cfg and
SetENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib in the httpd.conf file. In an
effort to trouble shoot I have made a 2nd test box, using the same
configurations, the only thing I did differently was use rpm's for the
gd,jpeg,jpeg-devel,zlib,zlib-devel,libpng,libpng-devel,gd-1.8.4 and
This second box is not showing icons for any of the cgi's, I have
compared all of the configs, side by side and the only difference I
could find is, when I traced back to the SetENV line in the first box,
there were the libs for zlib,png,gd and jpeg, on the second box there
was nothing, but I did locate those same files in /usr/lib, so in an
attempt I changed the path for the SetENV line to include the path
/usr/ luck.I have reviewed the lists, and with the help of you I
was able to get as far as I have, does anyone have any other hints,tips
or recommendations as to what I should look for? Thank you in advance.
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