Nagios 1.1 -- tac.cgi cosmetic problem?

Carroll, Jim P [Contractor] jcarro10 at
Tue Jun 3 23:35:39 CEST 2003

Greets all,

I installed Nagios 1.1 today, and noticed a slight
cosmetic change.  I don't think this was intentional.
I examined what's in the ../sbin directory, and all
the .cgi files have a timestamp from 10:48am this morning.

I took a screencap (see attached).  Take a look at the
mid-screen, under "Services".  It lists "26 Critical",
but spans all 5 table colums, leaving Warning, Unknown,
Ok and Pending pushed off to the side.

Am I the only one experiencing this?

(In case you noticed it, yes, I've still got the Authenticate
tweak in the sidebar.  I reinstated it after making a backup
copy of that file and comparing it to the 1.0 version.
Otherwise, all the .html and .cgi files which should have been
installed appear to be there, thanks to the "make install"
after compilation.)

If I've managed to fat-finger something, let me know.  :)

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