Nagios check_log help

Fredrik Wänglund fredrik.wanglund at
Fri Jun 6 13:10:24 CEST 2003


Webster, Stuart SITI-ITDIUR wrote:

>But i dont have a contrib directory by default, and a search of the net only shows me linux RPM'S for these extra plugins. can somone point me to the source code so i can compile on solaris???
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Carroll, Jim P [Contractor] [mailto:jcarro10 at]
>Sent: 05 June 2003 17:56
>To: Webster, Stuart SITI-ITDIUR; nagios-users at
>Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Nagios check_log help
>Personally, I use from the contrib directory.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Webster, Stuart SITI-ITDIUR [mailto:Stuart.Webster at]
>Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 6:19 AM
>To: nagios-users at
>Subject: [Nagios-users] Nagios check_log help
>Could some body please help me with this plugin,  and explain what the proper command line arguments should be. 
>The documentations says: 
>Usage: check_log -F logfile -O oldlog -q query 
>Usage: check_log --help 
>Usage: check_log --version 
>i presume -F is the log file I want to check, and -q is the string I am searching the log for. 
>I have tried 
>#./check_log -F test_log -q WARNING 
>this just goves the following error                
>./check_log: test: argument expected. 
>what is the -O for old log?? I only have 1 log file, is the -O necessary? 
>the documentation for this plugin is very brief. 
>Help Apreciated 
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