Service and host dependencies

Karl DeBisschop karl at
Tue Jun 10 05:06:29 CEST 2003

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:51, Anthony Brock wrote:
> I am having problems identifying how to define a specific dependency situation. Assuming 
> I have 3 hosts (R1, R2, and R2) located behind a transparent firewall. The transparent 
> firewall (FW1) serves as a bridge (using interface 'br0') from the internal network (N1) 
> and the Internet.
> However, the transparent firewall does NOT have logical connectivity to either network 
> (it does not have an IP address or route to either network). On the other hand, the 
> firewall DOES have a direct network connection to the management network (N2) that 
> nagios is running on. How would I define this dependency?
> Put simply, I believe I want to define a dependency for each host located behind 
> the transparent FW1. This dependency need to be against the SERVICE of 'br0'. This 
> may seem a little complicated, but it become important when you have more than one 
> bridged interface on a transparent firewall (say, 4 or 5). It is quite possible for 
> one of the bridged interfaces to go down while the other interfaces remain functional. 
> This makes a host/host dependency too broad.
> Ideas? I keep telling myself it is possible, but I've only found instructions for 
> service/service and host/host dependencies, not for service/host dependencies. Or 
> does someone have a better way to do this?

The host check can be defined any way you want. So define a 'virtual'
host that corresponds to what you presently have defined as the service
br0. You probably also want to have this new virtual host be a child of
the firewall host.

Unfirtunately, I don't think I can be any more specific that that
without knowing how the service 'br0' is implemented.


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