Web interface a bit slow

Mooney, Ryan ryan.mooney at pnl.gov
Fri Jun 13 00:53:18 CEST 2003


I have a rather large number of services I'm watching (~6500) on quite a few hosts (~1000)
and the web pages are starting to get quite slow (~30 seconds per web page, this is on
a dual xenon 2.8Ghz with 1G of RAM).  I ran a profiler on them and found that ~80% of 
the time is in the linked list lookup/insert in common.c:add_service_status.  Ideally 
data structure would get re-written to use something like a hash or some other more
efficient storage algorithm (this would exact a very small penalty on small installations
but would be an order of magnitude better on large), but with the current CGI's going 
away I'm hesitant to spend any cycles on it.  If this would be useful for others within 
the lifespan of the current interface I can go ahead and do it, but if its not I don't 
want to spend the time.

What I need to do now is get a workable solution to get the support people off of my
neck so they can clear errors.  I've given them a simple cli interface that dropps a 
passive check into the external command interface, which solves my immediate problem, 
but as I add more services the web interface will continue to get logarithmically slower.

Any thoughts, appreciated.

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