SMB Pop-up

Steve Freegard steve.freegard at
Wed Mar 5 12:48:42 CET 2003

Hi Dave,

What you want is pretty easy to do - here are a few instructions for you to
get you started.  You don't mention what OS you are using - I'm on RedHat
7.3, so you'll have to change this depending on what you use.

As a minimun - you'll need the 'samba-client' rpm package installed which
contains the 'smbclient' binary which you need to send the popups.

The smbclient utility will currently only allow you to send your popup to
machine names and not usernames - however if you want to do this you can
head over to and grab tng from CVS and compile it - and
use the smbclient program from this - and you'll be able to send the popups
by username which is quite handy.

Firstly - you need to set-up your Nagios contacts - I use the 'pager'
section for the machine/user that I want the popup to go to - e.g:

define contact{
 contact_name                   smf
 alias                          Steve Freegard
 host_notification_period       24x7
 service_notification_period    24x7
 host_notification_options      d,r
 service_notification_options   w,c,r
 host_notification_commands     host-notify-by-winpopup
 service_notification_commands  notify-by-winpopup
 email                          e-mail at
 pager                          smf			<-- NT Machine
Name/NT Username

Next - set-up the notification commands:

define command{
        command_name    notify-by-winpopup
        command_line    /bin/echo -e 'Notification Type:
$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\n\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nHost Description:
$SERVICESTATE$\n\nAdditional Information:\n$OUTPUT$' |
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/smbclient/ $CONTACTPAGER$

define command{
        command_name    host-notify-by-winpopup
        command_line    /bin/echo -e 'Notification Type:
$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\n\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nHost Description:
$HOSTALIAS$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\n\nAdditional
Information:\n$OUTPUT$' | /usr/local/nagios/libexec/smbclient/

Obviously - with these you need to change the path of the smbclient binary -
I'm using a wrapper script as I used the tng version of smbclient, but as I
use the 'main' samba for filesharing on this box - I didn't want tng to get
in the way, so I copied the required libs to a smbclient directory, and use
a wrapper script to call it.

If you want to do the same - you'll need the following files from a compiled

The wrapper script called - all this does it to use the libs in
the current directory, and set the username to NAGIOS so the popup shows as
coming from this user - it looks like:

if [ -z $1 ]; then exit; fi

cd `dirname $0`
./smbclient -M $1 2>&1 > /dev/null
exit 0

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: DTerrell at [mailto:DTerrell at] 
Sent: 04 March 2003 21:20
To: nagios-users at
Subject: [Nagios-users] SMB Pop-up

I'm trying to make an alternate notification option.  My linux machine is a
member of my NT domain here, and I'd like a notification type to be
notify-by-messenger...using the messenger service.  I'm sure someone has
already done this, except I'm wondering hot to make the macros for it, such
as $CONTACTHOST$ like the $CONTACTEMAIL$, there would be a few hosts I'd
need to send it to, and I'd like it to be so I can set it in the
contacts.cfg file like an email address and have it use that.

any help appreciated.

-Dave T.

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