problems using check_snmp to monitor sendmail

Daniel Finn DFinn at
Thu Mar 6 17:42:25 CET 2003

I'm having issues trying to implement check_snmp to monitor the status of
sendmail.  Your first question is why am I not just using check_smtp, it's
because all the mail servers that I need to implement this on only listen on

I've enabled the MIB or OID in snmpd.conf on the test box and that appears
to be working fine:

[root at sadqalx38 plugins]# snmpwalk -v 1 l52m-be sapublic .

enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prIndex.1 = 1
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prNames.1 = sendmail
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prMin.1 = 1
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prMax.1 = 10
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prCount.1 = 2
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prErrorFlag.1 = 0
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prErrMessage.1 = 
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prErrFix.1 = 0
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prErrFixCmd.1 = 

[root at sadqalx38 plugins]# snmpwalk -v 1 -On l52m-be sapublic
. = 1
. = sendmail
. = 1
. = 10
. = 3
. = 0
. = 
. = 0
. = 

So, it appears I can either monitor
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prCount.1 which lists the number of
sendmail processes running or
enterprises.ucdavis.prTable.prEntry.prErrorFlag.1 which is 0 when sendmail
is running or 1 when it's either not running or there are more procs running
than what you've specified acceptible (10 in this case).

Here's the problem I'm having with the snmp_check program.  It always
reports back that it's either at a WARNING state or a CRITICAL state.

[root at sadqalx38 plugins]# ./check_snmp -H -o
. -w '1:10' -c '1:10' -C sapublic

Am I doing something wrong.  Shouldn't it return OK because the value it's
returning is between 1 and 10?  Now if I change the warning and critical
threshholds to be outside of what it's returning I get :

[root at sadqalx38 plugins]# ./check_snmp -H -o
. -w '3:10' -c '3:10' -C sapublic

I've downloaded nagios-plugins-1.3.0.tar.gz and compiled them for this
system and I still have the same problem.  If anyone could help that would
be great.  Also, I'm not subscribed to this list so if you could reply to me
via email that would be great.

Dan Finn
Unix Systems Administrator
Student Advantage Inc
dfinn at

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