Mysql Support
showkilr at
Thu May 1 20:57:51 CEST 2003
I have used a wrapper like this in the past for jsut MySQL and
PostgreSQL.. should be hard at adding the flat file support and XML.
then using a call for the data nagios would not need to know what the
database format is it would just recieve the data transparantly.
On Wed, 2003-04-30 at 15:30, Jeremy Russell wrote:
> That would be cool... That's what I was really thinking. I would like
> to have all the alternatives, DB, flat text, etc...
> I just want each alternative to contain all aspects of the data. Not
> just the extended data, as Nagios currently is.
> The wrapper system would allow more things (Configuration Management,
> Change Management, and other Network Management features) to be
> integrated directly into Nagios with more ease I would think.
> Jeremy Russell
> Network Administrator, CNI
> 580-272-2707
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Showkilr [mailto:showkilr at]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:46 PM
> To: nagios-list
> Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Mysql Support
> I was actually thinking of creating a wrapper system for the database
> support. so that the wrapper itself handles all the calls to
> mysql/postgresql/flatfile/??XML?? depending on the define at build time.
> I have seen this type of wrapper for Mysql and Postgresql. adding
> support for other types shouldn't be trivial..
> Showkilr
> On Wed, 2003-04-30 at 13:33, Daniel Wittenberg wrote:
> > This would probably make it easier to write a web interface to manage
> it
> > as well. I was thinking of writing a webmin plugin to modify the text
> > files, but creating a DB and pulling the data from there would be
> > easier. It would be nice if you could pull the data from IRM or other
> > asset manager too so you could have all information about a host in
> one
> > place.....ummmm...*lots of ideas running around in head*
> >
> > Dan
> >
> > On Wed, 2003-04-30 at 13:26, Carroll, Jim P [Contractor] wrote:
> > > Don't fret. There have been discussions in the past to implement
> either a database (MySQL/PostgreSQL) or XML solution. But not by the
> author or core group.
> > >
> > > Rather, some have wished (and I think a few have taken steps) for a
> database or XML solution, because to them, it makes their lives easier.
> The conclusion was that yes, these solutions were viable, but instead of
> *replacing* the Nagios config files, the alternative solutions, once
> populated, would be used to *create* the Nagios config files. Nagios
> would therefore need no direct modifications, Ethan et al wouldn't need
> to burn any additional midnight oil, and folks such as yourself would be
> happy campers.
> > >
> > > Don't ask me what the status of such projects are, as I haven't been
> following them.
> > >
> > > jc
> >
> >
> >
> >
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